Time for a nature break🌙 LA PENSÉE POSITIVE DU LUNDI Tout comme ce petit chaton, prenons le temps d’une pause dans un lieu calme et ressourçant pour profiter…
Change the world ? And if we started with ourselvesChanger le monde ? Et si l’on commençait par soi. Penser que les choses changent sans modifier nos habitudes, nos attitudes…
Intuition is your soul speaking to youMONDAY POSITIVE THINKING To follow your intuition is to learn to listen to your soul, to master your mind and to trust your heart. To...
Ostara, vernal equinoxMONDAY POSITIVE THINKING The spring equinox is here ! Spring, a season of rebirth and growth when the shadows of winter give way to soft,...
Everything changes, everything changes !MONDAY POSITIVE THINKING Impermanence… everything changes, everything transforms ! Nature changes every day and lets its heart sing over...
Loving each other with unconditional LoveMONDAY POSITIVE THINKING Loving yourself with unconditional love, being able to say to yourself “I love myself and I am proud of myself!...
Listen to your bodyMONDAY POSITIVE THINKING Your body communicates by sending you messages, a set of small, light and subtle signals at first that become...
Welcome loveMONDAY POSITIVE THINKING Self-love, love of others, love of life… love is everywhere around us. Every day life offers us its wonderful...
Evils and wordsMONDAY POSITIVE THINKING The individual is a Whole... The body and the mind are inseparable and maintain close relationships between the...